Cotton Weed Science Research Conference Posters

Wednesday, January 5, 2011: 12:00 PM-10:00 PM
Marquis Imperial B (Atlanta Marriott Marquis)
Thursday, January 6, 2011: 8:00 AM-10:00 PM
Marquis Imperial B (Atlanta Marriott Marquis)
Friday, January 7, 2011: 8:00 AM-12:00 PM
Marquis Imperial B (Atlanta Marriott Marquis)
Parameterization of the Barnyardgrass (Echinochloa crus-galli) Resistance Model for Cotton
Muthukumar Bagavathiannan, University of Arkansas; Jason K. Norsworthy, University of Arkansas; Kenneth L. Smith, University of Arkansas; Paul Neve
Alternatives to Multiple PPO Inhibitors In No-till Cotton
Charles W. Cahoon, N. C. State University; Alan C. York, N. C. State University; David L. Jordan, N. C. State University; A. Stanley Culpepper, University of Georgia
Weed Management In Continuous Cotton: Summary of the Benchmark Study In North Carolina and Mississippi (2006-2009)
David L. Jordan, N. C. State University; Rick Seagroves, N. C. State University; Jamie Hinton, N. C. State University; Alan York, N. C. State University; David Shaw, Mississippi State University; M.K.D. Owen; B. G. Young; Robert Wilson, Universtiy of Nebraska; S. C. Weller
Influence of a Rye Cover Crop on the Critical Weed-Free Period In Cotton
Justin D. DeVore, University of Arkansas; J. K. Norsworthy, University of Arkansas; D. B. Johnson, University of Arkansas; G. M. Griffith, University of Arkansas; C. E. Starkey, University of Arkansas; M. J. Wilson, University of Arkansas
Widestrike Cotton Variety Tolerance to Ignite Applications In Texas
Dale Mott, Texas AgriLife Extension Service; Gaylon Morgan, Texas AgriLife Extension Service; John Kerns, Texas AgriLife Extension Service
Preplant Burndown and In-Season Sharpen Use In Cotton
Wayne Keeling, Texas Agrilife Research; Jacob D. Reed, Texas AgriLife Research; Justin L. Spradley, Texas AgriLife Research; William Keeling, Texas AgriLife Research
Ignite-Based Herbicide Programs for Glyphosate-Resistant Palmer Amaranth In South Carolina Cotton
Jacob G. Stokes, Clemson University; Michael W. Marshall, Clemson University
Palmer Amaranth Biotypes Confirmed Resistant to Glyphosate- and ALS-Inhibiting Herbicides In South Carolina
Michael W. Marshall, Clemson University; Jacob G. Stokes, Clemson University
Utility of Pyrimax for Preemergence Weed Control In Louisiana Cotton
Donnie K. Miller, LSU AgCenter, Northeast Research Station; M. S. Mathews, LSU AgCenter, Northeast Research Station
Utility of Staple LX In Liberty Link Cotton In Louisiana
Donnie K. Miller, LSU AgCenter, Northeast Research Station; M. S. Mathews, LSU AgCenter, Northeast Research Station
Experiences with Sharpen In Oklahoma
Shane Osborne, Oklahoma State University
Weed Population After Four Years of Liberty Link and Roundup Ready Flex Cotton
D. B. Johnson, University of Arkansas; J.K. Norsworthy, University of Arkansas; G. M. Griffith, University of Arkansas
Glyphosate Resistant Palmer Amaranth In Louisiana
Daniel O. Stephenson, LSU AgCenter; Randall L. Landry, LSU AgCenter; Brandi C. Woolam, LSU AgCenter
Control of Volunteer Cotton In the Southern Rolling Plains
David R. Drake, Texas AgriLife Extension; Richard R. Minzenmayer, Texas AgriLife Extension Service; P. Halfmann, Texas AgriLife Extension
Use of Staple LX with Ignite In Widestrike Cotton
M.J. Wilson, University of Arkansas; J. K. Norsworthy, University of Arkansas; D. B. Johnson, University of Arkansas; G. M. Griffith, University of Arkansas
Evaluation of Cotton for Preemergence Interactions Between Herbicides and Insecticides
Timothy L. Grey, University of Georgia; Sandy Newell, BASF Corporation