Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Marquis Imperial B (Atlanta Marriott Marquis)
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Marquis Imperial B (Atlanta Marriott Marquis)
Friday, January 7, 2011
Marquis Imperial B (Atlanta Marriott Marquis)
Phytogen 375WRF is a variety that has rapidly gained marketshare since 2007 because of its very good yield stability over South, Central and East Texas as well as other areas of the cottonbelt. Also, Phytogen has other varieties that have the Widestrike technology that are being planted on more acres. This technology has some inherent tolerance to glufosinate herbicide (Ignite), a broadspectrum, post-emerge herbicide. Growers in many areas, where this technology is being utilized, are faced with weeds resistant to glyphosate. As a result, some growers are forced to utilize various other products/tactics for weed control. Because of the glufosinate tolerance in cotton with Widestrike technology, some growers are utilizing Ignite herbicide to help with their resistant weed problems or to broaden their weed management options. This trial was established to try and determine what effects (weed control and phytoxicity) Ignite herbicide applications and tankmixtures over Widestrike cotton would have on the cotton's performance in Texas.
See more of: Cotton Weed Science Research Conference Posters
See more of: Cotton Weed Science Research Conference
See more of: Cotton Weed Science Research Conference
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