New Developments from Industry - Varieties, Chemistry, Emerging Technology, and Equipment

Wednesday, January 5, 2011: 4:00 PM-5:40 PM
Marquis Imperial A (Atlanta Marriott Marquis)
4:00 PM
4:10 PM
PHY 565 WRF, a Mid - Full Maturing Variety From PhytoGen Cottonseed / Dow AgroSciences
A. Reed Parker, Dow AgroSciences; Joel Faircloth, Dow Agrosciences; S. M. Brown, PhytoGen Cottonseed, Dow AgroSciences; S.W. Fuchs, PhytoGen Cottonseed, Dow AgroSciences; Chad Brewer, PhytoGen Cottonseed, Dow AgroSciences; Joseph T. Johnson, PhytoGen Cottonseed, Dow AgroSciences; D.W. Canfield, Phytogen Cottonseed, Dow AgroSciences
4:20 PM
4:30 PM
PHY 569 WRF, a New Mid to Full Maturity Variety From PhytoGen Cottonseed / Dow AgroSciences
Steven M. Brown, PhytoGen Cottonseed, Dow AgroSciences; Joel C. Faircloth, Dow AgroSciences; Scott W. Fuchs, PhytoGen Cottonseed, Dow AgroSciences; A. Reed Parker, PhytoGen Cottonseed, Dow AgroSciences; Frank C. Bordelon, PhytoGen Cottonseed, Dow AgroSciences; Joseph T. Johnson, PhytoGen Cottonseed, Dow AgroSciences
4:40 PM
New 915 Hooded Sprayer Designed to Fight Resistant Weeds
Steve D. Woodham, Willmar Fabrication, LLC; Steve W. Claussen, Willmar Fabrication, LLC
4:50 PM
Belay® Insecticide, A New Insecticide for Cotton
Mike Ansolabehere, Valent U.S.A. Corporation; Frank Carey, Valent USA; Patrick A. Clay, Valent U.S.A. Corporation; John Cranmer, Valent USA Company; Carlos Granadino, Valent U.S.A. Corporation; Bill Odle, Valent USA; Jeffery Smith, Valent USA
5:00 PM
Bidrin XP: New Co-Formulated Blend of Dicrotophos and Bifenthrin
Paul D. Vaculin, AMVAC Chemical Corporation
5:10 PM
In-Crop Weed Control and Crop Safety In Cotton with Warrant Herbicide, a New Tool for Weed Management
Luke M. Etheredge, Monsanto; Dennis H. Williamson, Monsanto; Shea W. Murdock, Monsanto
5:20 PM
Temperature Flow and Pressure Monitoring Helps Keep Producton at Maximum Rate
Michael Gvili, Advanced Sensing And Controls Inc.
5:30 PM
RapidEye and the Red Edge
John Kelly Dupont, RapidEye AG