11490 PHY 569 WRF, a New Mid to Full Maturity Variety From PhytoGen Cottonseed / Dow AgroSciences

Wednesday, January 5, 2011: 4:30 PM
Marquis Imperial A (Atlanta Marriott Marquis)
Steven M. Brown , PhytoGen Cottonseed, Dow AgroSciences
Joel C. Faircloth , Dow AgroSciences
Scott W. Fuchs , PhytoGen Cottonseed, Dow AgroSciences
A. Reed Parker , PhytoGen Cottonseed, Dow AgroSciences
Frank C. Bordelon , PhytoGen Cottonseed, Dow AgroSciences
Joseph T. Johnson , PhytoGen Cottonseed, Dow AgroSciences
PHY 569 WRF is a new mid-full maturity cotton that will be introduced in the U.S. in 2011.  Yield and fiber quality data from across the country will be reported.  Agronomic properties will also be discussed.