Cotton Ginning - Friday Early Morning

Friday, January 7, 2011: 8:00 AM-11:30 AM
Atrium - 601 (Atlanta Marriott Marquis)
Kent Fountain
8:00 AM
Stover Round Module Trailer
Jimmy Stover, Stover Equipment Co., Inc.
8:30 AM
IR Sensors Help Detect Start of Gin Fire
Michael Gvili, Advanced Sensing And Controls Inc.
8:45 AM
Super High Capacity Saw Gin Update
Ira R. Burge, Continental Eagle Corp
9:00 AM
Capacity Robbers Panel Discussion - Kent Fountain, Moderator, Southeastern Gin, Surrency, GA
9:18 AM
Capacity Robbers Panel - Rutherford
Ross D. Rutherford, Lummus Corporation
9:25 AM
Capacity Robbers Panel - Morgan
Wes Morgan, Rolling Hills Gin
9:32 AM
Capacity Robbers Panel - Huckaby
Craig Huckaby, Arabi Gin Company
9:39 AM
Capacity Robbers Panel - Kelley
Richard Kelley, Burlison Cotton Gin
9:46 AM
Capacity Robbers Panel - Blakemore
David Blakemore, B & B Cotton Company
9:53 AM
Capacity Robbers Panel - Fabian
John Fabian, Kimbell Gin Equipment
10:00 AM
10:30 AM
Multibar Sawless Lint Cleaner; Field Testing Results
Greg Holt, USDA-ARS; John Wanjura, USDA-ARS; Mathew Pelletier, USDA-ARS; Joe W. Thomas, Lummus Corporation; Ed M. Barnes, Cotton Incorporated; Gary Gamble, Agricultural Research Service, USDA; Roy V. Baker, Retired USDA-ARS
10:45 AM
Removing Seed Coat Fragments with Newly-Designed Lint Cleaner Grid Bars
C. B. Armijo, USDA-ARS Southwestern Cotton Ginning Research Laboratory; D. P. Whitelock, USDA-ARS Southwestern Cotton Ginning Research Laboratory; Sidney E. Hughs, USDA-ARS Southwestern Cotton Ginning Research Laboratory; Edward M. Barnes, Cotton Incorporated; Marvis N. Gillum, USDA-ARS Southwestern Cotton Ginning Research Laboratory
11:00 AM
Investigation of Fiber Maturity Effect on Saw-Type Lint Cleaner Fiber Damage and Yarn Properties
R. K. Byler, USDA-ARS; C. D. Delhom, USDA-ARS-SRRC; G. F. Sassenrath, USDA-ARS; Mourad Krifa, The University of Texas at Austin
11:15 AM
Ruixiu Sui, USDA-ARS Crop Production Systems Research Unit; R. K. Byler, USDA-ARS