Cotton Economics & Marketing - Thursday Morning Session

Thursday, January 7, 2010: 8:00 AM-12:00 PM
Galerie 3 (New Orleans Marriott)
Gary A. Raines
8:00 AM
Welcoming Remarks
8:05 AM
Mississippi Delta Cotton, the Cropland Data Layer, and Soil Maps, 2006-2009
Thomas L. Gregory, USDA-NASS; Fred L. Shore, Mississippi Department of Agriculture and Commerce
8:25 AM
Economic Evaluation of Limited Irrigation Production Strategies On the Southern High Plains of Texas
Daniel K. Pate, Texas Tech University; Jeff W. Johnson, Texas AgriLife Research Center; James P. Bordovsky, Texas AgriLife Research
8:45 AM
9:05 AM
A Budget Analysis of Glyphosate-Resistant Palmer Amaranth Control and Seed Technology Choices in Georgia Cotton
W. Don Shurley, The University of Georgia; Amanda R. Smith, The University of Georgia; A. Stanley Culpepper, The University of Georgia; Phillip M. Roberts, The University of Georgia
9:25 AM
Factors Contributing to the Perceived Usefulness of Soil Test Information
Dayton M. Lambert, Department of Agricultural Economics, The Unversity of Tennessee; Roland K. Roberts, Department of Agricultural Economics, The Unversity of Tennessee; Sherry L. Larkin, University of Florida; David Harper, University of Tennessee; M. Velandia, Department of Agricultural Economics, The University of Tennessee; D. F. Mooney, Department of Agricultural Economics, The University of Tennessee; James A. Larson, Department of Agricultural Economics, The Unversity of Tennessee; B. C. English, Department of Agricultural Economics, The University of Tennessee
9:45 AM
Cotton Marketer of the Year Award
10:00 AM
10:30 AM
Trends in Cotton Precision Farming Adoption in Twelve Southern States: 2000-2008
D. F. Mooney, Department of Agricultural Economics, The University of Tennessee; B. C. English, Department of Agricultural Economics, The University of Tennessee; M. Velandia, Department of Agricultural Economics, The University of Tennessee; J. A. Larson, Department of Agricultural Economics, The University of Tennessee; R. K. Roberts, Department of Agricultural Economics, The University of Tennessee; D. M. Lambert, Department of Agricultural Economics, The University of Tennessee; S. L. Larkin, Food and Resource Economics, University of Florida; M. C. Marra, North Carolina State University; R. Rejesus, North Carolina State University; S. W. Martin, Mississippi State University; K. W. Paxton, Agricultural Economics and Business Development; A. Mishra, Agricultural Economics and Business Development; E. Segarra, Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Texas Tech University; C. Wang, Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Texas Tech University; J. M. Reeves, Cotton Incorporated
10:45 AM
Costs and Returns of Using On-Board Module Building Harvesters with Skip-Row Cotton
Gregory Ibendahl, Mississippi State University; Michael Herbert Willcutt, MSUES Ag. & Bio. Engineering; Stan R. Spurlock, Mississippi State University
11:00 AM
Multidimensional Quality Attributes and Input Use in Cotton
Shiliang Zhao, Texas Tech University; Chenggang Wang, Texas Tech University; Eduardo Segarra, Texas Tech University; Kevin Bronson, Texas AgriLife Research
11:15 AM
An Economic Analysis of Irrigation and Tillage for Cotton in Southwest Georgia
Amanda R. Smith, The University of Georgia; W.D. Shurley, The University of Georgia; G.L. Ritchie, The University of Georgia; C.D. Perry, The University of Georgia
11:30 AM
Introducing CPAIDA: The Cotton Precision Agriculture Investment Decision Aid
D. F. Mooney, Department of Agricultural Economics, The University of Tennessee; J.A. Larson, Department of Agricultural Economics, The University of Tennessee; R.K. Roberts, Department of Agricultural Economics, The University of Tennessee; B.C. English, Department of Agricultural Economics, The University of Tennessee
11:45 AM
11:55 AM
Concluding Remarks