10757 A Budget Analysis of Glyphosate-Resistant Palmer Amaranth Control and Seed Technology Choices in Georgia Cotton

Thursday, January 7, 2010: 8:40 AM
Galerie 3 (New Orleans Marriott)
W. Don Shurley , The University of Georgia
Amanda R. Smith , The University of Georgia
A. Stanley Culpepper , The University of Georgia
Phillip M. Roberts , The University of Georgia
Glyphosate resistance in Palmer Amaranth (pigweed) is becoming a more widespread problem in Georgia.  Herbicide regimes are recommended to help manage this situation.  Also, single-gene Bollgard technology will not be available beginning in 2010.  Cotton producers must select a two-gene or conventional/non-Bt seed technology while also managing for glyphosate resistance.  An analysis is presented of production costs under various seed technologies, tillage, and herbicide regimes.