Cotton Insect Research and Control - Thursday Morning - Session A

Thursday, January 7, 2010: 8:00 AM-1:00 PM
Mardi Gras Ballroom Salon D (New Orleans Marriott)
K. V. Tindall and K. C. Allen
8:00 AM
An Introduction to Sulfoxaflor: A Novel Insecticide from Dow AgroSciences for Control of Sap-Feeding Insects
J.D. Thomas, Dow AgroSciences LLC; J. M. Babcock, Dow AgroSciences LLC; R. Brinkmeyer, Dow AgroSciences LLC; B. A. Houtman, Dow AgroSciences LLC; S. Keeler, Dow AgroSciences LLC; V. J. Kramer, Dow AgroSciences LLC; K. Qin, Dow AgroSciences LLC; T. C. Sparks, Dow AgroSciences LLC; K. L. Steffey, Dow AgroSciences LLC; M. R. Loso, Dow AgroSciences LLC; G. B. Watson, Dow AgroSciences LLC; B. A. Castro, Dow AgroSciences LLC
8:15 AM
Performance of Dow AgroSciences Sulfoxaflor Insecticide Against Tarnished Plant Bug, Lygus lineolaris, on Mid-South Cotton
M.W. Siebert, Dow AgroSciences LLC; L.C. Walton, Dow AgroSciences LLC; R.B. Lassiter, Dow AgroSciences LLC; R. A. Haygood, Dow AgroSciences LLC; J.D. Thomas, Dow AgroSciences LLC; J.S. Richburg, Dow AgroSciences LLC
8:30 AM
Control of Western Tarnished Plant Bug, Lygus hesperus, with Dow AgroSciences Sulfoxaflor Insecticide in Cotton
J.M. Richardson, Dow AgroSciences LLC; B.A. Castro, Dow AgroSciences LLC; J.D. Thomas, Dow AgroSciences LLC; P.C. Ellsworth, University of Arizona; L.D. Godfrey, University of California; D.L. Kerns, Texas AgriLife Extension Service
8:45 AM
Control of Cotton Aphids, Aphis gossypii Glover, with Dow Agrosciences' Sulfoxaflor Insecticide in Cotton
B.A. Castro, Dow AgroSciences LLC; L.C. Walton, Dow AgroSciences LLC; M.W. Siebert, Dow AgroSciences LLC; R.B. Lassiter, Dow AgroSciences LLC; R.A. Haygood, Dow AgroSciences LLC; J.M. Richardson, Dow AgroSciences LLC; L.B. Braxton, Dow AgroSciences LLC; J.D. Thomas, Dow AgroSciences LLC; J.S. Richburg, Dow AgroSciences LLC; F.J. Haile, Dow AgroSciences LLC; L.D. Godfrey, University of California
9:00 AM
Bioassays and Management of Cotton Aphids with Neonicotinoids and Sulfoxaflor
Jeff Gore, Mississippi State University, DREC; D. R. Cook, Mississippi State University; Angus Catchot, Mississippi State University; B. R. Leonard, LSU AgCenter; G. M. Lorenz, University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture; Scott D. Stewart, The University of Tennessee
9:15 AM
Management Strategies and New Insecticides for Tarnished Plant Bug in the Delta
A. L. Catchot, Mississippi State University; J. Gore, Mississippi State University; Scott D. Stewart, The University of Tennessee; G. Lorenz, University of Arkansas; B. R. Leonard, LSU AgCenter
9:30 AM
Insecticide Use Strategies against Tarnished Plant Bug in Arkansas and Louisiana
B. Rogers Leonard, LSU AgCenter; G. M. Lorenz, Univ. of Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service; K.D. Emfinger, LSU AgCenter; K. Colwell, Univ. of Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service; J. Hardke, LSU AgCenter; B. VonKanel, Univ. of Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service
9:45 AM
Susceptibilities of Tarnished Plant Bug and Stink Bug Nymphs to Various Insecticides
K. C. Allen, USDA-ARS, SIMRU; F. R. Musser, Mississippi State University; R. E. Jackson, USDA-ARS, SIMRU; Gordon Snodgrass, USDA
10:00 AM
10:30 AM
Landscape Movement of Tarnished Plant Bug
R. E. Jackson, USDA-ARS, SIMRU; Gordon Snodgrass, USDA; K. C. Allen, USDA-ARS, SIMRU
10:45 AM
11:00 AM
Control of Lygus hesperus and Cotton Yield Response with Belay Insecticide (Clothianidin) in the Western United States
Patrick A. Clay, Valent U.S.A. Corporation; Mike Ansolabehere, Valent U.S.A. Corporation; Carlos Granadino, Valent U.S.A. Corporation
11:30 AM
Border Applications of Insecticide to Manage Stink Bugs in South Carolina and Georgia Cotton
Francis P. F. Reay-Jones, Clemson University; Jeremy K. Greene, Clemson University; Will Henderson, Clemson University; Michael D. Toews, University of Georgia; John Herbert, University of Georgia
11:45 AM
Stink Bug Distribution and Reproductive Capacity in Georgia Cotton Farmscapes
John J. Herbert, University of Georgia; Michael D. Toews, University of Georgia
12:00 PM
Exploiting Volatile Emissions From Cotton Bolls as a Management Tool for Stink Bugs
David Degenhardt, Clemson University; Jeremy K. Greene, Clemson University; Ahmad Khalilian, Clemson University