10714 Introducing CPAIDA: The Cotton Precision Agriculture Investment Decision Aid

Thursday, January 7, 2010: 10:05 AM
Galerie 3 (New Orleans Marriott)
D. F. Mooney , Department of Agricultural Economics, The University of Tennessee
J.A. Larson , Department of Agricultural Economics, The University of Tennessee
R.K. Roberts , Department of Agricultural Economics, The University of Tennessee
B.C. English , Department of Agricultural Economics, The University of Tennessee
CPAIDA (Cotton Precision Agriculture Investment Decision Aid) is a computerized decision tool that allows users to evaluate the input cost savings and yield gains required to pay for investments in precision agriculture technologies. CPAIDA utilizes a combination of partial budgeting, breakeven analysis, and sensitivity analysis techniques. This presentation will focus on the methodology behind CPAIDA's development. CDs of the decision tool will be made available to conference participants.