Cotton Disease Council Posters
Tuesday, January 7, 2014: 8:00 AM-10:00 PM
Mardi Gras Ballroom Salons E, F, G & H (New Orleans Marriott)
Wednesday, January 8, 2014: 8:00 AM-12:00 PM
Mardi Gras Ballroom Salons E, F, G & H (New Orleans Marriott)
Grower Recommendations: Fusarium Race 4
Robert B. Hutmacher, University of California - Davis & West Side REC;
Mauricio Ulloa, USDA-ARS-SPA-CSRL;
Steven D. Wright, University of California Cooperative Extension-Tulare/Kings Co.;
Daniel S. Munk, University of California Cooperative Extension;
R M Davis, University of California, Davis, Department of Plant Pathology;
Mark P. Keeley, University of California Cooperative Extension, Plant Science Department;
Gerardo Banuelos, University of California Cooperative Extension
Reniform Nematode Reproduction on Soybean Cultivars and Breeding Lines in 2013
R. T. Robbins, University of Arkansas;
P. Arelli, USDA - ARS;
G. Shannon, University of Missouri - Delta Center;
P. Chen, University of Arkansas;
S. K. Kantartzi, Southern Illinois University Carbondale;
L. E. Jackson, University of Arkansas;
E. E. Gbur, University of Arkansas;
D. G. Dombek, University of Arkansas;
J. T. Velie, University of Arkansas;
T. R. Fraske, University of Arkansas
Cotton Disease Loss Estimates 2013
Kathy S. Lawrence, Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology;
Mary W Olsen, The University of Arizona;
Travis R. Faske, University of Arkansas;
Robert B. Hutmacher, University of California - Davis & West Side REC;
John D. Mueller, Clemson University;
Jim Mario, University of Flordia;
Bob Kemerait, University of Georgia;
Charles Overstreet, LSU AgCenter;
Gary W. Lawrence, Mississippi State University;
G. B. Sciumbato, Mississippi State University;
Sam Atwell, University of Missouri;
Steve Thomas, New Mexico State University;
Steve Koenning, NCSU;
Randy K. Boman, Oklahoma State University;
Heather K. Young, The University of Tennessee;
Jason E. Woodward, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service;
Hillary L. Mehl, Virginia Tech
Report of the Cottonseed Treatment Committee for 2013
Craig S. Rothrock, Dept. of Plant Pathology, University of Arkansas;
Scott A. Winters, Dept. of Plant Pathology, University of Arkansas;
J. D. Barham, University of Arkansas;
A. B. Beach, University of Arkansas;
M. B. Bayles, Oklahoma State University;
P. D. Colyer, LSU AgCenter;
T. Kelley, Oklahoma State University;
R. C. Kemerait, University of Georgia;
Gary W. Lawrence, Mississippi State University;
Kathy S. Lawrence, Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology;
Paul P. Price, LSU AgCenter, Macon Ridge Research Station;
Jason E. Woodward, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service;
R. Thacker, Oklahoma State University;
H. Mehl, Virginia Tech;
G. B. Sciumbato, Mississippi State University