Cotton Agronomy & Physiology - Wednesday Early Morning - Session B
Wednesday, January 8, 2014: 8:00 AM-10:00 AM
Galerie 6 (New Orleans Marriott)
8:00 AM
A Smartphone App for Scheduling Irrigation on Cotton
George Vellidis, University of Georgia;
Vasilis Liakos, University of Georgia;
Calvin D Perry, University of Georgia;
Mike Tucker, University of Georgia;
Guy D Collins, University of Georgia;
John L Snider, University of Georgia;
Jose Andreis, University of Florida;
Kati Migliaccio, University of Florida;
Clyde Fraisse, University of Florida;
Kelly Morgan, University of Florida;
Diane Rowland, University of Florida;
Edward Barnes, Cotton, Inc.
8:45 AM
Development of an Industry-Wide Standard for Leaf Hairiness
Gaylon D. Morgan, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service;
Fred M Bourland, University of Arkansas;
J. LaDon Day, University of Georgia;
Dan D. Fromme, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service;
Jane K. Dever, Texas A&M AgriLife Research;
Amir Ibrahim, Department of Soil and Crop Sciences, Texas A&M University;
Edward Barnes, Cotton, Inc.;
Don C. Jones, Cotton Incorporated
9:15 AM
Prospects of Glandless Cotton Production in New Mexico
John Idowu, New Mexico State Univ.;
Jinfa Zhang, New Mexico State University;
Robert Flynn, New Mexico State University;
Jane Breen Pierce, New Mexico State University;
Tom Wedegaertner, Cotton Incorporated;
Jodi Scheffler, USDA-ARS;
Tracey Carrillo, New Mexico State Univ.