Marker Assisted Selection for Nematode Resistance - Progress

Thursday, January 5, 2012: 10:45 AM
Crystal Ballroom C (Orlando World Center Marriott)
Ted P. Wallace , Mississippi State University
Peggy M. Thaxton , Mississippi State University
Jim Nichols , Mississippi State University
Brian E. Scheffler , USDA-ARS Genomics and Bioinformatics Research Unit
Jodi A. Scheffler , USDA-ARS Crop Genetics Research Unit
A conventional breeding program was initiated in 2007 for the purpose of developing germplasm with resistance to reniform and root-knot nematodes. Yield and fiber quality parameters are important components of the program as well.  Marker assisted selection (MAS) is a key component of the breeding program.  Presentation will provide a progress report on germplasm developed to date and current status of breeding efforts.