Performance Evaluation of LONREN and BARBREN Reniform Nematode Resistant Germplasm Lines

Thursday, January 5, 2012: 11:00 AM
Crystal Ballroom C (Orlando World Center Marriott)
Roelof B. Sikkens , Auburn University
Alois, A. Bell , USDA-ARS-SPARC
Terry A. Wheeler , Texas Agrilife Research
C. Overstreet , LSU AgCenter
David B. Weaver , Auburn University
K. S Lawrence , Auburn University
R. L. Nichols , Cotton Incorporated

We report on the results of two studies. Field performance of LONREN 21-4 and BARBREN 713, both candidate reniform nematode resistant germplasm lines, was evaluated at three reniform-infested sites, located in Alabama, Louisiana and Texas. Physiological response to various reniform nematode inoculum levels, ranging from 0 to 50,000 nematode per 150cc of medium, was assessed in a greenhouse assay.