Cotton Weed Science Research Conference Posters

Tuesday, January 5, 2010: 12:00 PM-10:00 PM
Grand Ballroom Acadia (New Orleans Marriott)
Wednesday, January 6, 2010: 10:00 AM-10:00 PM
Grand Ballroom Acadia (New Orleans Marriott)
Thursday, January 7, 2010: 8:00 AM-12:00 PM
Grand Ballroom Acadia (New Orleans Marriott)
Darrin M. Dodds
Weed Management Systems for Palmer Amaranth Control in Alabama Cotton
Michael Patterson, Auburn University; Brandon A. Dillard, Auburn University; Dale Monks, Auburn University; William Birdsong, Auburn University
Non-Glyphosate Programs for Palmer Amaranth Control in Cotton
S. K. Bangarwa, University of Arkansas; J. K. Norsworthy, University of Arkansas; G. M. Griffith, University of Arkansas; Justin D. DeVore, University of Arkansas; J. Still, University of Arkansas; M. J. Wilson, University of Arkansas
Winter Weed Management with Sharpen in a No-till Cotton System
John-Kirk Manning, Mississippi State University; Daniel Oliver Stephenson, LSU AgCenter; Jason A. Bond, Mississippi State University; J. Bryan McDuffie, Mississippi State University; Randall L. Landry, LSU AgCenter; J. Brad Guice, BASF
Performance of Residual Herbicides Applied in Tank-Mixtures with Staple LX and Glyphosate
J. Bryan McDuffie, Mississippi State University; Jason A. Bond, Mississippi State University; Daniel O. Stephenson, LSU AgCenter; Donnie K. Miller, LSU AgCenter; John-Kirk Manning, Mississippi State University; Randall L. Landry, LSU AgCenter
Controlling Volunteer Cotton with Postemergence Herbicides
W. James Grichar, Texas AgriLife Research; D. D. Fromme, Texas AgriLife Extension; P. A. Dotray, Texas AgriLife Research; J. W. Keeling, Texas AgriLife Research
Barnyardgrass Emergence and Seed Production in Cotton
Joshua A. Still, University of Arkansas; Jason K. Norsworthy, University of Arkansas; Kenneth L. Smith, University of Arkansas; Prashant Jha, University of Arkansas; Michael J. Wilson, University of Arkansas
Spatial Movement of Glyphosate-Resistant Palmer Amaranth in Roundup Ready Flex® Cotton
G. M. Griffith, University of Arkansas; J. K. Norsworthy, University of Arkansas; B. Johnson, University of Arkansas; S. K. Bangarwa, University of Arkansas; M. J. Wilson, University of Arkansas; Terry Griffin, University of Arkansas - Division of Agriculture
Horseweed Control in Oklahoma Cotton
Shane Osborne, Oklahoma State University
Managing Volunteer Cotton in Various Production Areas of Texas
Gaylon Morgan, Texas AgriLife Extension Service; R.R. Minzemeyer, Texas AgriLife Extension Service; D.A. Mott, Texas AgriLife Extension Service; P.A. Baumann, Texas AgriLife Extension Service; D.R. Drake, Texas AgriLife Extension Service; P. Halfmann, Texas AgriLife Extension Service; M.E. Matocha, Texas AgriLife Extension Service
Pigweed Emergence and Seed Cotton Yield as Affected by Rye Cover and Tillage System
Andrew Price, USDA-ARS; Kip Balkcom, USDA-ARS; C. Dale Monks, Auburn University; Michael G. Patterson, Auburn University
Cotton Tolerance and Weed Management with Sharpen
J. D. Reed, Texas AgriLife Research; J. W. Keeling, Texas AgriLife Research; D. M. Petty, Texas AgriLife Research
Liberty Link Cotton Weed Control Programs
D. K. Miller, LSU AgCenter; M. S. Mathews, LSU AgCenter
Glufosinate and Insecticide Combinations in Liberty Link Cotton
Donnie K. Miller, LSU AgCenter, Northeast Research Station; D. O. Stephenson, LSU AgCenter; M. S. Mathews, LSU AgCenter, Northeast Research Station
Management of Glyphosate-Resistant Palmer Amaranth in Transgenic Cotton with Flumioxazin
John Cranmer, Valent U.S.A. Corporation; J.D. Smith, Valent U.S.A. Corporation; J.A. Pawlak, Valent U.S.A. Corporation
Does a Rye Cover Crop Change the Critical Weed-Free Period in Cotton?
Justin D. DeVore, University of Arkansas; J.K. Norsworthy, University of Arkansas; G.M. Griffith, University of Arkansas; S.K. Bangarwa, University of Arkansas; J. Still, University of Arkansas; D.B. Johnson, University of Arkansas; M.J. Wilson, University of Arkansas; E.K. McCallister, University of Arkansas; G.T. Jones, University of Arkansas
Palmer Amaranth Control in Three Cotton Tillage Systems
A.J. Bloodworth, Texas Tech University; P. A. Dotray, Texas Tech University, AgriLife Research, and Texas AgriLife Extension Service; J. W. Keeling, Texas AgriLife Research; L.V. Gilbert, Texas AgriLife Research; B. W. Bean, Texas AgriLife Research and Extension Center; J. W. Johnson, Texas Tech University and Texas AgriLife Research
Use of Acetochlor for Palmer Amaranth Control in Cotton
J. Trenton Irby, Mississippi State University; Daniel B. Reynolds, Mississippi State University; Darrin M. Dodds, Mississippi State University; J. Anthony Mills, Monsanto; Chad L. Smith, Mississippi State University
Update On Herbicide Resistant Palmer Amaranth (Amaranthus Palmeri S. Wats.) in South Carolina
Michael W. Marshall, Clemson University; H. David Gunter, Clemson University