Cotton Improvement - Thursday Morning Session

Thursday, January 7, 2010: 10:30 AM-12:00 PM
Mardi Gras Ballroom Salons F, G & H (New Orleans Marriott)
B. T. Campbell
Peng Chee
10:30 AM
50th Anniversary of the National Cotton Variety Testing Program
W. R. Meredith, USDA; John R. Gannaway, Texas AgriLife Research; Fred M. Bourland, Northeast Research and Extension Center
10:45 AM
Improving Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) for Fiber and Yarn Quality
Carol Mason Kelly, Texas Tech University / Texas A&M Experiment Station; Eric F. Hequet, Fiber and Biopolymer Research Institute - Dept. Plant & Soil Science, Texas Tech University; Jane K. Dever, Texas Agrilife Research
11:00 AM
Use of HVI and AFIS Data From Multi-Year RBTN Trial Data to Predict Spinning Performance
Don C. Jones, Cotton Incorporated; William C. Bridges, Clemson University - Department of Applied Economics and Statistics; Elizabeth L. Crouch, Clemson University - Department of Applied Economics and Statistics
11:15 AM
Relationship of Q-Score and Loan Value
Rob Hogan, Texas A&M University; Fred Bourland, University of Arkansas; Ed M. Barnes, Cotton Incorporated; Don C. Jones, Cotton Incorporated
11:30 AM
Use of Q-Score in a Cotton Breeding and Variety Testing Program
Fred Bourland, University of Arkansas; Don C. Jones, Cotton Incorporated; Rob Hogan, Texas A&M University; Ed M. Barnes, Cotton Incorporated
11:45 AM
A Comparison of Frequently Used Cotton Boll Sampling Methods
Tyson Andrew Phillips, LSU AgCenter; Gerald O. Myers, LSU AgCenter