10544 Use of HVI and AFIS Data From Multi-Year RBTN Trial Data to Predict Spinning Performance

Thursday, January 7, 2010: 11:00 AM
Mardi Gras Ballroom Salons F, G & H (New Orleans Marriott)
Don C. Jones , Cotton Incorporated
William C. Bridges , Clemson University - Department of Applied Economics and Statistics
Elizabeth L. Crouch , Clemson University - Department of Applied Economics and Statistics
Replicated entries were grown in the Regional Breeders Testing Network Trial [RBTN] across the US Cotton Belt during 2006, 2007, and 2008. Testing sites ranged from Arizona to North Carolina. Seed cotton was harvested at up to nine locations in a given year, and all samples were shipped to Tifton, Georgia for ginning at the UGA MicroGin to ensure uniform treatment of the fiber. Fiber samples were then measured using both HVI and AFIS equipment at Cotton Incorporated. Spinning was performed at the end of each growing season and 22/1 Ne single yarns with a uniform test multiplier were produced. Specific yarn parameters measured were yarn strength, evenness, and neps. The overall objective of this project was to use the 2006-08 data described above to develop a predictive model for spinning performance based on the variables produced by HVI and another predictive model based on the variables produced by AFIS. Both models were developed using multiple regression techniques, specifically using Mixed Model techniques (using SAS procedure GLIMMIX) to correct for the random effects of variety, site, and years. The ability of the two models to accurately predict yarn strength, evenness, and neps are discussed.