Using on-Farm Data to Enhance Variety Trial Recommendations

Friday, January 10, 2020: 8:30 AM
401 (JW Marriott Austin Hotel)
Robert G. Hardin , Texas A&M University
Edward M. Barnes , Cotton Incorporated
John D. Wanjura , USDA-ARS Cotton Production and Processing Research Unit
Jason K Ward , North Carolina State University
Wesley M Porter , Assistant Professor, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences
Kendall R. Kirk , Clemson University
Michael T. Plumblee , Clemson University
University variety trials are the standard for determining cultivar performance in diverse environments. However, these trials require significant resources, limiting the number of possible testing locations. Tested environments may not be representative of many producers' fields. With the increasing adoption of the Deere CP690 and CS690 harvesters and the use of Harvest ID, spatially variable yield data can be recorded and associated with a module number. Farmers implementing data management solutions like this have an additional data source for making variety selections in subsequent years. We explore the use of this on-farm data, along with variety trials and other readily available data sources, such as weather and soil surveys, to improve predictions of cultivar performance in unique environments.