Wednesday, January 8, 2020
JW Grand Salons 7-8 (JW Marriott Austin Hotel)
Thursday, January 9, 2020
JW Grand Salons 7-8 (JW Marriott Austin Hotel)
Friday, January 10, 2020
JW Grand Salons 7-8 (JW Marriott Austin Hotel)
The influence of poultry litter (PL) and cover crops into no-till cropping systems in Mississippi upland soils on cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) yield and subsequent soil health are largely unknown. A 4-yr field study was conducted to determine the effect of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cover crop and PL on cotton lint yield and soil physical properties. The experimental design was split-split plot with three replications. The cover crop treatment was assigned to the main plots. Fertilization treatments included unfertilized control, inorganic N fertilizer (112 kg N ha–1) and PL (6.7 Mg ha–1) were applied to the sub-plots. Lint yield was significantly greater with PL than inorganic fertilizer each year. Lint yield in a dry season was significantly greater with cover crop treatment. However, following the cessation of PL in 2017, lint yield increased by 12% in the absence of cover crop residue. As compared to unfertilized control, applying PL in the presence of cover crop residue enhanced soil C by 22% and water aggregate stability by 7.4% and reduced soil penetration resistance and bulk density by 9 and 3.5%, respectively