Phenotypic and Genotypic Evaluation of Gossypium hirsutum Accessions Previously Identified in the Literature As Resistant to Root-Knot or Reniform Nematode

Thursday, January 10, 2019: 9:15 AM
Galerie 1 (New Orleans Marriott)
Amanda G Gaudin , USDA-ARS
Martin J Wubben , USDA-ARS
Franklin E. Callahan , USDA-ARS
Dewayne D. Deng , USDA-ARS
Jack C. McCarty , USDA-ARS
Johnie N. Jenkins , USDA-ARS
Reports of root-knot and reniform nematode resistance screening going back to the 1970s were examined and wild Upland cotton accessions were acquired that had been identified as potentially resistant to either or both nematodes.  These accessions were evaluated for their resistance to RKN and/or reniform nematode.  Furthermore, these accessions were genotyped with molecular markers that have since been identified as being associated with RKN or reniform resistance QTLs.