Effects of Various Rates and Application Timings of Pentia (PGR) on Multiple Cotton Varieties

Wednesday, January 9, 2019: 4:15 PM
Galerie 5 (New Orleans Marriott)
Dale A. Mott , Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service
Gaylon Morgan , Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service
A set of trials were conducted to compare the effects of several cotton varieties to multiple rates and application timings of Pentia at multiple locations in the Southwest. Pentia is one of many commercial plant growth regulator (PGR) has been on the market for many years.  In this day and age, when new varieties are introduced every year and only around for a short number of years, it is relatively easy to mis-manage PGRs on cotton.  Some varieties have higher response rates to PGRs than others and thus over applying PGR products can have detrimental effects on some varieties, especially when applied right before stressful growing conditions occur.  So direct comparisons of responses of individual varieties to PGRs, such as Pentia, can be valuable to growers when making decisions such as proper use rates and application timings of PGRs.  This study looks at a set of new relatively new commercial cotton varieties and the effects PGR management can have on them.