Addition of Fluridone in Bolgard II Xtendflex Cotton Herbicide Programs

Thursday, January 4, 2018: 8:40 AM
Salon M (Marriott Rivercenter Hotel)
Hunter Bowman , University of Arkansas
Tom Barber , University of Arkansas-Extension
Jason K Norsworthy , University of Arkansas
Wyatt Coffman , University of Arkansas
9 four row plots with 4 reps of Bolgard II Xtendflex cotton was planted. After planting preemergence herbicides (Brake FX, Cotoran, Caparol, untreated) were applied to the soil. Differing tank-mix postemergence applications (Dicamba, Liberty, Roundup) were applied when 2-4 inch weeds were present. Visual weed control ratings were taken at 7, 14, 21, and 28 days after planting. Treatments were then compared to determine the best weed control program