Friday, January 6, 2017: 8:15 AM-10:00 AM
Moreno A/B (Hyatt Regency Dallas)
Cotton Ginning Research Update
David Blakemore
8:45 AM
Testing of a Large-Scale Mechanical Cottonseed Delinter: Results and Improvements
Greg A. Holt, USDA-ARS Cotton Production and Processing Research Unit;
Tom Wedegaertner, Cotton Incorporated;
John D. Wanjura, USDA-ARS Cotton Production and Processing Research Unit;
Mathew G. Pelletier, USDA-ARS Cotton Production and Processing Research Unit;
Christopher D. Delhom, USDA-ARS Southern Regional Research Center
9:15 AM
New Technologies for Managing Cotton Modules
John D. Wanjura, USDA-ARS Cotton Production and Processing Research Unit;
Edward M. Barnes, Cotton Incorporated;
Mathew G. Pelletier, USDA-ARS Cotton Production and Processing Research Unit;
Greg A. Holt, USDA-ARS Cotton Production and Processing Research Unit