Cryogenically Treated Gin Saw Wear Test - Third Season

Friday, January 6, 2017: 9:30 AM
Moreno A/B (Hyatt Regency Dallas)
S. Ed Hughs , USDA-ARS Southwestern Cotton Ginning Research Laboratory
Robert G. Hardin , USDA-ARS
Christopher D. Delhom , USDA-ARS Southern Regional Research Center
This will be a report on the second season of running the same sets of cryogenically treated gin saws versus standard saws in a commercial cotton gin.  Both the experimental and standard saws performed well through the first season of testing with an average of 10,250 bales through each gin stand.  All saws were left in place for the 2016/17 ginning season with the expectation of generating data on number of cotton bales ginned up to failure for each set of gin saws.