Friday, January 6, 2017: 11:15 AM
Cumberland E-F (Hyatt Regency Dallas)
Planting in nematode-infested fields can result in significant damage to cotton crops throughout the cotton belt, including in Southeastern Virginia. Aldicarb was the preferred nematicide product in cotton for over 30 years, but currently, availability of this product is limited. Both in-furrow and seed treatment nematicides are currently available for cotton, but the efficacy and profitability newer products (e.g. Velum Total) needs to be evaluated. Different combinations of seed and in-furrow treatments were evaluated at three locations varying in nematode pressure. Seed of Phytogen 499 was either base treated with a fungicide or treated with Aeris SAS. Treatments included Admire Pro and different rates of Velum Total applied in-furrow with and without an Aeris seed treatment. Treatments were arranged in a randomized complete block design with four to six replicates. All other agronomic practices (e.g. fertilizer, weed control) were according to standard Virginia recommendations for cotton production. Nematode populations were quantified from each plot prior to planting, mid-season, and at harvest. At harvest, seed and lint yield will be measured and compared among treatments at each of the locations. Implications of the results for nematode management in cotton will be discussed.