Beltwide Nematode Research and Education Committee Report on Cotton Cultivars and Nematicides Responses in Nematode Soils, 2016

Friday, January 6, 2017: 11:00 AM
Cumberland E-F (Hyatt Regency Dallas)
Travis R. Faske , University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture
Tom W. Allen , Mississippi State University, Delta Research and Extension Center
Gary W. Lawrence , Mississippi State University
Kathy S. Lawrence , Auburn University
Hillary L. Mehl , Virginia Tech
Randy Norton , University of Arizona
Charles Overstreet , LSU AgCenter
Terry Wheeler , Texas A&M AgriLife Research
Beltwide Nematode Research and Education Committee Report on Cotton Cultivar and Nematicide Responses in Nematode Soils, 2016

T. R.  Faske, Allen, T., Kelly, H., Kemerait, B., Lawrence, G., Lawrence, K., Mehl, H., Mueller, J., Norton, R., Overstreet, C., and Wheeler, T.

This is report by the NCC Nematode Research and Education Committee is a summary of several nematicide trials conducted by the authors across the US cotton belt in root-knot and reniform nematode infested feilds.