Cotton Yield and Changes in Soil Test Phosphorus over Time

Tuesday, January 6, 2015: 9:00 AM
Salon A (Marriott Rivercenter Hotel)
M. Wayne Ebelhar , Mississippi State University
Extractable soil phosphorus (P) can vary over time and is influenced by the crop being grown and the subsequent yield.  It is also affected by P application rate and other potential factors.  This replicated field trial was initiated in 2009 with P applications in the initial years.  No additional P has been added in the latter years with soil test P monitored following continuous cotton under rainfed (non-irrigated) growing conditions.  Seedcotton and lint yields have been measured from the center two rows of each plot with samples collected to determine lint percentage.  The initial study also compared fertilizer P applications with and without AVAIL Phosphorus Fertilizer Enhancer (Specialty Fertilizer Products, LLC).  A summary of yield data and soil test P data will be included.