PHY495W3RF a Mid Maturing Cotton Variety with Excellent Yield and Fiber Quality

Monday, January 5, 2015: 5:10 PM
Salon F (Marriott Rivercenter Hotel)
Sterling Brooks Blanche , Phytogen Cottonseed
Steve Brown , Phytogen
Joel C. Faircloth , Dow AgroSciences
Scott Fuchs , Phytogen
Robert Lemon , Phytogen
Chris L Main , Phytogen
Russell C Nuti , PhytoGen
Duane Canfield , Phytogen
LeAnn Bruns , Phytogen
Mustafa McPherson , Phytogen Seed Company
PHY495W3RF is a new variety from Phytogen Cottonseed that exhibits high yield potential and superior fiber quality, and contains 3 Bt genes for improved protection from lepidopteran pests.  It was tested widely in Phytogen Innovation Plots, on-farm trials and University Official Variety Trials in 2013 and 2014 with commercial units sold in 2014. Large-scale commercial launch is scheduled for the 2015 cotton growing season.