New Developments from Industry - Consultants Session

Monday, January 6, 2014: 1:40 PM-6:00 PM
Mardi Gras Ballroom Salon D (New Orleans Marriott)
Bill Robertson
1:50 PM
A New App for Choosing and Rating Pest Control Options in Cotton
Zach Sheely, Agworld; Ryan W. Kurtz, Cotton Inc.
2:20 PM
New Fierce Herbicide For Cotton
Frank Carey, Valent USA; John Cranmer, Valent USA
2:30 PM
Evaluation of F9312, a Pyroxasulfone-Based Herbicide, for Weed Control in Cotton
D. Scott Akin, FMC Corporation; Sam Wilson, FMC Corporation; Henry (Rusty) Mitchell, FMC Corporation; Don Johnson, FMC Corporation

  • akin 2014 BWCC.ppt (13.5 MB)
  • 2:40 PM
    ET®X Herbicide/Defoliant: A New Formulation of Pyraflufen-Ethyl for Use in TX, NM, and OK
    Scott Ludwig, Nichino America, Inc; Dustin Simmons, Nichino America, Inc; James Adams, Nichino America, Inc
    2:50 PM
    3:20 PM
    Enlist™ Ahead: Novel Management and Stewardship Resources for the Enlist Weed Control System
    Jonathan D Siebert, Dow AgroSciences; David Hillger, Dow AgroSciences; Ralph Lassiter, Dow AgroSciences; Damon M Palmer, Dow AgroSciences; Eric Throson, Dow AgroSciences; Byron Hendrix, Dow AgroSciences; John Laffey, Dow AgroSciences; Gary Finn, Dow AgroSciences; Bruce Maddy, Dow AgroSciences
    3:30 PM
    Weed Management Via the Roundup Ready® XtendTM Crop System
    Ty Witten, Monsanto Company; Joseph Sandbrink, Monsanto Company; Katie Robertson, Monsanto Company
    3:40 PM
    New Cotton Varieties and Technology from Bayer CropScience
    Kenny Melton, Bayer CropScience; Steve P Nichols, Bayer CropScience; James Walt Mullins, Bayer CropScience; Scott Baker, Bayer CropScience
    4:20 PM
    PHY339WRF: An Early Maturing Cotton Variety With Superior Yield Potential and Fiber Quality
    Sterling Brooks Blanche, Phytogen Cottonseed; Joel Faircloth, Phytogen; Scott Fuchs, Phytogen; Robert Lemon, Phytogen; Chris L Main, Phytogen; Russell C Nuti, PhytoGen; Steve Brown, Phytogen; Duane Canfield, Phytogen; LeAnn Bruns, Phytogen
    4:30 PM
    2014 New Varieties from Phytogen and Dow AgroSciences
    Joel Faircloth, Phytogen; Sterling Brooks Blanche, Phytogen Cottonseed; Steve Brown, Phytogen; Russell C Nuti, PhytoGen; Scott Fuchs, Phytogen; Chris L Main, Phytogen; Robert Lemon, Phytogen; Duane Canfield, Phytogen; LeAnn Bruns, Phytogen; Joseph Johnson, Phytogen; Mustafa Mcpherson, Phytogen
    4:40 PM
    PHY575WRF: A Full Season Cotton Variety with Superior Yield Potential and Fiber Quality
    Russell C Nuti, PhytoGen; Steve Brown, Phytogen; Joel Faircloth, Phytogen; Sterling Brooks Blanche, Phytogen Cottonseed; Chris L Main, Phytogen; Robert Lemon, Phytogen; Scott Fuchs, Phytogen; Duane Canfield, Phytogen; LeAnn Bruns, Phytogen; Joseph Johnson, Phytogen