2014 New Varieties from Phytogen and Dow AgroSciences
2014 New Varieties from Phytogen and Dow AgroSciences
Monday, January 6, 2014: 4:30 PM
Mardi Gras Ballroom Salon D (New Orleans Marriott)
Six new PhytoGen varieties will be offered for sale in limited quantities by Dow AgroSciences and PhytoGen Cottonseed in 2014. All varieties have WideStrike ®, transgenic two- gene Bt, insect protection (W), as well as Genuity™ Roundup Ready Flex® (RF) technologies except one that has WideStrike 3®, transgenic three- gene Bt, insect protection (W3), as well as Genuity™ Roundup Ready Flex® (RF) technologies. The varieties are PHY 333 WRF, PHY 417 WRF, PHY 427 WRF, PHY 599 WRF, PHY 222 WRF, and PHY 495 W3RF. PHY 333 WRF, PHY 417 WRF, PHY 427 WRF, and PHY 222 WRF are early maturity, PHY 495 W3RF is mid maturity, and PHY 599 WRF is full maturity. PHY 417 WRF and PHY 427 WRF display excellent root knot nematode resistance. With the exception of PHY 222 WRF which is adapted to certain geographies within Texas and Oklahoma, all have displayed broad adaption in small and large on-farm plot, replicated trials.