Host Plant Resistance to Tarnished Plant Bug in Arkansas: II. Confirmation of Small Plot Data
Host Plant Resistance to Tarnished Plant Bug in Arkansas: II. Confirmation of Small Plot Data
Wednesday, January 8, 2014: 10:45 AM
Preservation Hall Studios 7 & 8 (New Orleans Marriott)
In small plot work, we have established consistent differences among cotton genotypes in response to tarnished plant bug (TPB) using the “% dirty flower” measurement. To confirm the validity of these data, we have evaluated TPB populations in and yield of several cotton cultivars in large plots. The cultivars were selected to represent variation in maturity and response to TPB. Our data confirm that variation in small plots can be extended to large plots. TPB populations were lower and required fewer insecticide treatment on cultivars that had lower % dirty flowers in small plots.