A Web-Based Tool for Saw-Type Lint Cleaner Modeling

Thursday, January 10, 2013: 9:15 AM
Salon D (Marriott Riverwalk Hotel)
Yufeng Ge , TAMU - BAEN Dept.
J. A. Thomasson , Texas A&M University, Bio. & Ag. Engineering
Ed M. Barnes , Cotton Incorporated
Roy Pallavi , Texas A&M University
Lint cleaning is a critical step in cotton ginning that improves the color and grade of cotton lint and increases its market value. On the other hand, lint cleaning reduces net bale weight, decreases fiber length characteristics, and increases short fiber content and nep counts, both of which present significant problems at the textile mill. There have been quite a few studies in the literature investigating the effect of saw-type lint cleaners on fiber quality and bale characteristics. The objective of our study is to develop a web-based modeling tool that integrates the existing knowledge of lint cleaning effects. The model is developed using PHP and MySQL. It is an interactive model where users can input the variables of interest (e.g., cotton color, bale weight, or operation parameters such as batt density or saw speed) through a web page. A database was designed and implemented to store all the empirical equations and tables. The simulation results are brought back to users in the graphical form. We expect this web-based tool to be used by ginners to vary lint-cleaning parameters in order to maximize profits, or by lint-cleaner manufacturers in order to design lint cleaners that generate less fiber damage.