Evaluation of Conventional Cotton Varieties in Virginia

Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Royal (Orlando World Center Marriott)
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Royal (Orlando World Center Marriott)
Friday, January 6, 2012
Royal (Orlando World Center Marriott)
D. Ames Herbert , Virginia Tech
Sean Malone , Virginia Tech
David Owens , Virginia Tech, Tidewater AREC
M. Arrington , Virginia Tech
Three conventional (non-Bt, non-RR) cotton varieties were evaluated over two years at the Virginia Tech Tidewater AREC (small-plots) and on commercial growers’ fields (replicated strip trials).  Insect pressure by bollworm was documented by weekly scouting of plots and insecticides were applied according to recommended thresholds.  Boll damage was assessed throughout the season by sampling bollworm populations and boll damage.  Differences in product use compared with standard BG2/RR or WS/RR varieties were also documented.  Estimated costs (seed, herbicide, insecticide) of the conventional vs. standard variety programs were compared to lint value (lb/A at average $/lb).