12280 Subsurface Drip Irrigation Management In Southeast Crop Rotations

Thursday, January 6, 2011: 5:00 PM
Atrium - 602 (Atlanta Marriott Marquis)
C. D. Perry , University of Georgia - Stripling Irrigation Research Park
Glen Ritchie , University of Georgia - Soil and Crop Science Dept.
Jared R. Whitaker , University of Georgia
Rad Yager , University of Georgia - Stripling Irrigation Research Park
W. Don Shurley , University of Georgia
R. Scott Tubbs , University of Georgia
The University of Georgia has initiated a multi-year study to develop improved

techniques and technologies for the use and management of subsurface drip irrigation

in typical Southeastern row-crop rotations to maximize economic efficiency while

increasing water use efficiency and water conservation. Specifically, this project will

investigate several aspects key to determining the effectiveness and economic viability

of SSDI including

• installation and layout/design options;

• operational / management parameters;

• crop (and pest) response; and

• water use and soil moisture status.

The two study sites will be described in detail along with first year results from cotton

planted on the first site at the Stripling Irrigation Research Park.

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