11949 New Deltapine Class of 10 Through Class of 12 Varieties for West Texas Markets

Wednesday, January 5, 2011: 2:00 PM
Marquis Imperial A (Atlanta Marriott Marquis)
David W. Albers , Monsanto
Eric C. Best , Monsanto
Monsanto will announce the new Deltapine Class of 11 varieties to be released for commercial sale for the 2011 season for early season West Texas markets.  The Class of 11 candidate lines include: 09R348B2R2, 09R532B2R2, 10R011B2R2, and 09R637R2.  All of these lines were tested broadly in the 2010 growing season in University OVT’s, on-farm strip trials, and on-farm module sized trials.  The launch of the new Class of ’11 varieties will be supported by hundreds of locations of testing for yield, fiber quality, and agronomic characteristics.