11576 LONREN X FM966 Progeny Evaluation In a Field Infested with Reniform Nematode

Friday, January 7, 2011: 2:15 PM
Marquis - 103 - 105 (Atlanta Marriott Marquis)
David Weaver , Auburn University
Roelof B. Sikkens , Auburn University
Scott Moore , Auburn University
Kathy Lawrence , Auburn University
Rachel Sharpe , Auburn University
The performance of F2:4 lines derived from the cross LONREN-1 × FM966 was investigated in two fields: one infested with reniform nematode and one not infested. Twenty resistant lines and twenty susceptible lines were studied, with resistance and homogeneity having been previously confirmed with greenhouse and molecular screening. In the reniform-infested field, some resistant lines showed moderate to severe stunting. All lines performed well in the non-infested field. (Note: If possible, this presentation should be on the program immediately after the presentation of Sikkens, et al., on response of LONREN germplasm to inoculation density).