Producer Roundtable: Variety Selection

Tuesday, January 5, 2010: 4:00 PM-6:00 PM
Mardi Gras Ballroom Salon D (New Orleans Marriott)
Tom Barber
4:00 PM
Choosing a Planting System: Variety and Technology Selection
Tom Barber, U of A Division of Agriculture; Darrin M. Dodds, Mississippi State University; Chris L. Main, University of Tennessee
4:30 PM
Value of On-Farm Testing for Variety Selection
Darrin M. Dodds, Mississippi State University; Christopher Main, University of Tennessee; Tom Barber, U of A Division of Agriculture
5:00 PM
Variety Recommendations for Cotton Diseases On the Southern High Plains of Texas
Jason E. Woodward, Texas AgriLife Extension Service; Terry A. Wheeler, Texas Agrilife Research
5:30 PM
A Consultant's Perspective
Roger Carter, Agricultural Management Services, Inc.