Cotton Boll Damaging Organisms

Wednesday, January 6, 2010: 10:30 AM-12:00 PM
Galerie 3 (New Orleans Marriott)
Enrique Gino Medrano
10:30 AM
The Bug Problem in Cotton - Can We Manage Bugs and Boll-Rotting Pathogens without a Crystal Ball?
Jeremy K. Greene, Clemson University; Enrique Gino Medrano, USDA-ARS-SPARC Cotton Pathology Research Unit
11:00 AM
Interrelationships Among Stink Bug Management, Cotton Fiber Quality and Boll Rot
Michael D. Toews, University of Georgia; Phillip M. Roberts, University of Georgia; Enrique Gino Medrano, USDA-ARS-SPARC Cotton Pathology Research Unit
11:15 AM
Internal Boll Rots Associated with Feeding by Hemipterous Insects: A Review
Alois A. Bell, USDA-ARS-SPARC; Enrique Gino Medrano, USDA-ARS-SPARC; Juan Lopez, USDA-ARS-SPARC; Jesus Esquivel, USDA-ARS-SPARC
11:30 AM
Investigations of Boll Damage Caused by Piercing/Sucking Pests and Disease Agent Transmission
Enrique Gino Medrano, USDA-ARS-SPARC; Jesus Esquivel, USDA-ARS-SPARC; Al. A. Bell, USDA-ARS-SPARC; Jeremy Greene, Clemson; P. M. Roberts, Dept. of Plant Pathology, The University of Georgia; Jack Bacheler, North Carolina State University; J. J. Marois, University of Florida, NFREC; D. Wright, University of Florida; R. L. Nichols, Cotton Incorporated
See more of: Cotton Disease Council