10961 Analysis of Critical Differences Between Laboratory- and Field-Based Measurements of Insect Resistance and Their Ramifications for IRM

Thursday, January 7, 2010: 9:30 AM
Mardi Gras Ballroom Salons B & C (New Orleans Marriott)
Timothy J. Dennehy , Monsanto Company
Graham P. Head , Monsanto Company
William J. Moar , Monsanto Company
We will describe a conceptual framework that promotes coexistence of both laboratory- and field-based definitions of resistance.  Laboratory-based bioassays are essential for proactive resistance monitoring and for isolation and characterization of resistance, ideally before it impacts field performance.  Equally essential are estimates of the impact that specific resistances have on pest survival under field conditions.  Owing to negative practical ramifications for agricultural producers, Industry and Regulatory sectors, changes to resistance management plans should not be triggered by the detection of minor resistance genes.  Such changes should be contemplated only after it has been demonstrated that the resistance has the potential to appreciably increase pest survival under treated field conditions.