10753 Findings of a 2009 Precision Farming Survey of Cotton Farmers in Florida

Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Galerie 3 (New Orleans Marriott)
S. L. Larkin , Food and Resource Economics, University of Florida
This poster will summarize results from a survey of cotton farmers in Florida that was administered in early 2009. Farmers were asked about their adoption of information gathering technologies (e.g., grid soil sampling and yield monitoring), adoption of variable rate input application technologies (e.g., fertilizer, herbicide, and defoliants), farm characteristics, and information about them and their perceptions about precision farming. A total of 27 complete responses were received and of those, 19 (70%) reported adopting at least one precision agricultural technology in some form. Information on cotton producers’ perception about the future role of precision farming, the perceived benefits of adoption and differences between adopters and non-adopters will also be presented.