10713 Energy Use Patterns in Gins

Thursday, January 7, 2010: 2:00 PM
Preservation Hall Studios 1, 2, & 3 (New Orleans Marriott)
Paul A. Funk , USDA-ARS-Southwestern Cotton Ginning Research Laboratory
Robert G. Hardin IV , USDA-ARS Cotton Ginning Laboratory
Thomas D. Valco , USDA, ARS
This paper and presentation will look at differences between how various gin plants allocate motor horse power for value added and parasitic functions.  Energy used to separate seed and trash from lint will be considered value added functions, as will bale packaging.  Energy used to transport materials within the gin plant will be considered losses, even if necessary ones.  These will be compared for gin plants of various bale-per-hour capacity and annual throughput from various parts of the cotton belt.