10333 VOTIVO: Contemporary Biological Nematode Control for Mainstream Commercial Agriculture

Thursday, January 7, 2010: 8:45 AM
Galerie 1 (New Orleans Marriott)
Kevin Bugg , Bayer CropScience
Votivo™ is a new biological product specifically developed for mainstream commercial agriculture. Votivo™ contains live bacteria which when applied as a convenient seed treatment will colonize root systems to help protect a wide variety of crops against damage caused by plant parasitic nematodes. Research both in the lab and field have shown reduced nematode symptoms leading to improved plant vigor and greater yields through the use of Votivo™. For many years biological controls have in large part been relegated to small niche agricultural markets often based not on lack of efficacy but rather unique handling requirements (application, storability, compatibility …etc.) not needed for their chemical counterparts. Votivo™ will be applied the same as, and have comparable storage requirements to, industry standard seed treatment products. As for compatibility concerns, Votivo™ will actually be integrated into combination formulations with known chemical insecticides. Votivo™ is representative of a contemporary movement in 21st century biological control research. The focus is shifting to the search for products to compliment rather than compete with traditional chemistry.