10325 Potassium Nutrition for Shorter Season Cotton Varieties

Wednesday, January 6, 2010: 2:05 PM
Mardi Gras Ballroom Salon E (New Orleans Marriott)
Glendon H. Harris , University of Georgia

Field trials were conducted in 2009 to compare the yield response of three DPL cotton varieties to applied potassium fertilizer. The three varieties varied in maturity ranges and included DPL 555, 0949 and 0935.  All three varieties were planted at the same time at the same location on a center pivot irrigated Dothan loamy sand in Moultrie, GA. All three varieties also received the same potassium fertilizer treatments that included 0, 45, 90, 135 and 180 lb K2O/a as muriate of potash at planting.  A split application and a foliar K treatment were also included.  All plots were fertilized with recommended P and K and managed the same for weed control, growth regulator etc.  Leaf and petiole samples were taken from all plots during the season and dramatic visual differences of potassium deficiency have been observed in some plots.  All plots will be machine harvested for yield and data analyzed as a randomized complete block with 4 replications.  Individual plots size is 4 rows by 40 foot.