Joint Session: Cotton Quality Measurements and Utilization Conferences

Thursday, January 8, 2009: 10:30 AM-12:00 PM
Conf. Room 12 (Marriott Rivercenter Hotel)
Devron P. Thibodeaux
Gary Gamble and Mourad Krifa
10:30 AM
Spinning Performances of West Texas Upland Cottons
Eric F. Hequet, Fiber and Biopolymer Research Institute - Dept. Plant & Soil Science, Texas Tech University; Noureddine Abidi, Fiber and Biopolymer Research Institute - Dept. Plant & Soil Science, Texas Tech University
10:45 AM
Trash Particle Distribution Measurements in Ginned Cotton
Murali Siddaiah, New Mexico State University; D. P. Whitelock, USDA-ARS; Sidney E. Hughs, USDA-ARS Southwestern Cotton Ginning Research Laboratory; Michael A. Lieberman, USDA-ARS Southwestern Cotton Ginning Research Laboratory
11:00 AM
Factors Affecting Fiber Entanglement at the Gin and Textile Mill
Jaime Cantu, Texas Tech University; Mourad Krifa, Fiber and Biopolymer Research Institute- Texas Tech University
11:15 AM
Predicting White Speck Levels from HVI and AFISPro Data - Mechanically and Hand Picked Cottons
Patricia D. Bel, Southern Regional Research Center, ARS, USDA; Bugao Xu, The University of Texas at Austin
11:45 AM
New Understanding on the Relationship Between Basic Sugars and MVTR in Cotton Fabrics
Arvind Purushothaman, Texas Tech University; Gopal Coimbatore, Texas Tech University; Kater Hake, Cotton Incorporated; Siva Parameswaran, Texas Tech University; Seshadri Ramkumar, Texas Tech University