9681 New Understanding on the Relationship Between Basic Sugars and MVTR in Cotton Fabrics

Thursday, January 8, 2009: 11:00 AM
Conf. Room 12 (Marriott Rivercenter Hotel)
Arvind Purushothaman1, Gopal Coimbatore1, Kater Hake2, Siva Parameswaran1 and Seshadri Ramkumar1, (1)Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX, (2)Cotton Incorporated, Cary, NC
Cotton is pre-sold to the consumers based on its comfort value. There is plethora of information and literature available on the relationship between fiber characteristics, fabric construction and finishes on the comfort of fabrics as reflected in their Moisture Vapor Transport Rate (MVTR) data. A recent study at Texas Tech University has shown that some basic sugars that make up cotton may have influence on the MVTR values. This presentation will feature the contribution of sugars such as sucrose, ribose, M-3a, AN-β, AN-6, etc. on MVTR of knitted values. To our knowledge, the correlation between the aforementioned sugars and the comfort which is the important property of cotton has not been heretofore reported.
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