Thursday, January 8, 2009: 11:15 AM
Salon D (Marriott Riverwalk Hotel)
We understand our reputation as a source of contamination free cotton is on the line every day U.S. cotton bales are opened and spun into yarn. Because our reputation is on the line every day, preventing lint contamination from all sources and improving the performance of bale packaging materials are goals the U.S. cotton industry takes seriously. The best sources of information on lint contamination are domestic and foreign mills that consume U.S. cotton. In 2008 U.S. and foreign yarn mills were given opportunities to take surveys that focused on bale packaging performance and lint contamination. The surveys were administered by the National Cotton Council (NCC). The goal of the surveys was to gauge our customers’ opinions based on their responses to bale packaging performance and lint contamination questions. The National Council of Textile Organizations (NCTO) assisted with the domestic mill survey and Cotton Council International (CCI) assisted with the foreign mill survey.
See more of: Joint Session: Cotton Engineering-Systems and Ginning
See more of: Cotton Ginning Conference
See more of: Cotton Ginning Conference