Friday, January 10, 2020: 9:00 AM
JW Grand Salon 3 (JW Marriott Austin Hotel)
Plastic contamination from module wrap is a costly issue for the cotton industry. Video cameras installed at module feeders and inspection of module feeders during maintenance shutdowns indicates that larger pieces of plastic become wrapped around the dispersing cylinders on the module feeder. These plastic pieces result from malfunctions occurring during wrapping on the harvester, wrap damage during handling, or cutting the wrap at undesirable locations before ginning. As the dispersing cylinders rotate, smaller fragments of the wrapped pieces may be broken off and introduced into the cotton gin, leading to lint contamination. However, the dispersing cylinders present an opportunity for removal by an automated system. Once plastic is detected, the dispersing cylinders' rotation can be stopped and the module at the feeder head moved slightly back from the dispersing cylinders. Enough cotton storage capacity exists in a ginning system to avoid a reduction in ginning rate if removal occurs quickly. The feasibility of using a brush to unwrap the plastic from the dispersing cylinder was examined. Multiple brush designs, dispersing cylinder speeds, and brush cylinder speeds were tested.