Evaluation of Palmer Amaranth Control Using Multiple Residual Herbicides Tank-Mixed with and without S-Metolachlor

Thursday, January 9, 2020: 9:45 AM
408-409 (JW Marriott Austin Hotel)
Owen Wesley France , University of Arkansas
The purpose of this trial was to compare weed control efficacy of various residual herbicides that were applied as both a tank-mix and alone at varying rates with all applications done pre-emergence. Ratings of Palmer amaranth control were taken weekly, as well as Palmer amaranth counts which were taken within a square meter, weekly. Four weeks after the initial application plots containing s-metolachlor tank mixtures were among those treatments with the highest control ratings across replication, with pyroxasulfone and s-metolachlor having the highest control ratings of Palmer amaranth across replication.