Redbanded Stink Bug Management in Mississippi Soybean Production Systems

Thursday, January 9, 2020: 4:45 PM
JW Grand Salon 6 (JW Marriott Austin Hotel)
Jacob Smith , Mississippi State University
Angus Catchot , Mississippi State University
Whitney Crow , Mississippi State University
Tyler B Towles , Mississippi State University
Brittany E. Lipsey , Mississippi State University
Ryan Mann , Mississippi State University
Dung Bao , Mississippi State University
The redbanded stink bug, Piezodorus guildinii (Westwood), has recently become a significant pest of soybeans in Mississippi and other southeastern United States. The first description of the redbanded stink bug originated from the Caribbean island of St. Vincent. The redbanded stink bug was first reported in the United States in the early 1970s, but the time of its arrival in North America is still unclear (Panizzi. 2005). As of 2016, the redbanded stink bug has been recorded in several southern states including Alabama, Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, New Mexico, South Carolina, and Texas (Temple et al. 2013). Redbanded stink bugs are of particular concern because they appear to be much more damaging to seed than traditional species commonly found in the Mid-South.