Control of Rice Billbug, Sphenophorus pertinax, in Furrow Irrigated Rice in Arkansas

Thursday, January 9, 2020: 2:00 PM
JW Grand Salon 1 (JW Marriott Austin Hotel)
Chase A Floyd , University of Arkansas
Gus Lorenz , The University of Arkansas
Nick R. Bateman , University of Arkansas - RREC
Benjamin C Thrash , University of Arkansas
Jarrod Hardke , University of Arkansas-RREC
Neelendra Joshi , University of Arkansas
Nichole Taillon , University of Arkansas CES
Garrett Felts , University of Arkansas- RREC
Andrew Plummer , University of Arkansas CES
Wes Plummer , UA-CES
Kevin McPherson , University of Arkansas
Caleb Rice , University of Arkansas
In 2018 and 2019 experiments were conducted in furrow irrigated rice production systems across Arkansas to evaluate control options for rice billbug. Insecticide seed treatments and foliar insecticides were both evaluated for control of rice billbug. Additionally, trials were also conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of insecticide applications at various rice growth stages.