Population Dynamics of Southern Root-Knot, Columbia Lance and Ring Nematodes in a Cotton-Cotton-Peanut Rotation in South Carolina

Wednesday, January 8, 2020
JW Grand Salons 7-8 (JW Marriott Austin Hotel)
Thursday, January 9, 2020
JW Grand Salons 7-8 (JW Marriott Austin Hotel)
Friday, January 10, 2020
JW Grand Salons 7-8 (JW Marriott Austin Hotel)
Michael T. Plumblee , Clemson University
Kendall R. Kirk , Clemson University
John Mueller , Clemson University
This is data from a Grower's farm in Bamberg County, SC that was sampled for nematodes annually. Nematode numbers were evaluated based on crop rotation (cotton/cotton/peanut) and with and without commercial root-knot resistant cotton varieties.